Pray For Japan

Pray For Japan
Please click the image link above for ten major organizations providing relief resources in Japan,

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Seven Pounds

The average human heart weighs between 9-10+ ounces, less than .5% of your total body weight.

The statement above means nothing sans understanding of human nature. Without the drive to wake up and do something for yourself, your home, your fellow man... it is a meaningless organ pumping 2,000 gallons of fluid 60,000 miles everyday. The very same organ's menacing size (about the size of your fist that is), can create enough energy to drive a truck 20 miles in one day. Many have written songs about it, mostly before my time, but nonetheless you don't hear anyone singing about their liver or lungs on street-corners for money. The heart is where things happen.

The Fresh Prince of Bel Air played as a somber genius, whom after spending seven seconds to check his BBMs behind the wheel, successfully killed 8 people in a graphic car accident. Wow right? 

Said Prince moved on to randomly stalking random people who were in need of vital organs, and in tragic Christian all-consuming guilt, he gave his all to them selflessly. Heart-breaking beauty in this... I mean I myself have given $.50- $20+ as a charitable contribution to people, theater groups, etc. I remember a homeless woman I gave $20 that worked with me, well she wasn't homeless @ the time, but she always had an overnight bag, I just assumed she was in transition so much she must have lost her home in the process... I digress; I have yet to be such a benefactor to another in my life, and pray that my organs will be recoverable from my murder scene to bless someone else with a long happy life.

Watching the film Seven Pounds makes one want to be an organ donor (unless of course you are a selfish fuck =D), but even in the glitz and glam of the film I find the reality of my desire to give to my family first. I wish my son a bright and long future, filled with love and understanding. I would give to him whatever his mother allows.

I have found that I can be a bad friend. I am not the best sibling, neither the best son one could have. I turn into myself for extended periods of time so not to turn out my surroundings, and turn off the people I love. You can't win sometimes. It's probably impossible for a celebrity to live in harmony with a home-body, even if they try to love each other for who they are and not what they are. It is highly improbable that the people I know personally and love will read (not skim =D) to this point, however it is not my nature to judge them for poor taste nor myself for poor writing skills. I have spoken to someone hours before they have left our realm, and I am blessed to understand that life is precious. The heart will at some time, cease to beat. Let's dance with each other while we still have some rhythm pounding in our chests.

So... What did we learn today? You have a fist-size power generator in your chest that can drive a truck 20 full miles in one day, Iron Man does too, his is cooler, oh and at one point in my life I gave a prostitute 20 bucks for nothing.

Today's blog was brought to you by Christian guilt, and a black rabbit/brown bear ukelele duo =

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